Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 1 of IC Diet

     Today is day 1 of the IC diet for me.  I'm on the elimination portion.  I won't fib this has been hard and it's only 10am...LOL.  I'm a foodie.  I like food...LOL.  I'm searching Pinterest for new breakfast foods now.  I've gotten dinner planned out for the family (yum...they get roast).  For me I'm thinking carrots at lunch and fresh spinach and carrots at dinner w/ a glass of water.  I know this only lasts a few weeks so that is a plus.  I also know that it is only hard because I'm over thinking it.  I WILL get the hang of it and it WILL be easier.

     I think I slept wrong last night because I'm having some pain, but it's not IC pain.  This is surgical site pain.  I'm hoping it hits the road soon because I've got 10 scouts who are counting on me tonight.  We are working on a skit for next week's pack meeting.  I hope they enjoy doing it!

     Ok well I think that is it for now.  I felt the need to blog for some random  Have a great day.


     I found out that of the things around the house I can actually eat one of my favorite foods...peanut butter!!!!  So, that along with my whole wheat bread I was able to have something other than just carrots for  I am excited about that.  Oh and then while "Pinning" on Pinterest I found  She has an entire website of foods that are IC safe.  Once I'm out of the elimination portion I do plan on trying some of her ideas!!!!

   I do want to know if anyone else on Elmiron has extreme fatigue?  I'm really tired, and w/o my coffee (yes didn't that suck at first to give I feel like I'm dragging.  I know eventually my body will jut the addiction it has to caffeine.  I can say though I'm excited at that thought.  The thought of NOT being ran by something like that is YAY!!!!

     Now, off to stalk Pinterest some more for more

1 comment:

  1. You are too sweet for mentioning me! I am not the best blogger, but I do love sharing the food ideas that I come up with! Eating right makes a huge difference for me- truly. Adjusting to the diet stinks, but it gets better with time! Another IC blogger that I recently came across is she's got some good stuff too :)
