Thursday, January 2, 2014

Surviving the Birthday Parties

LOL.  Well, Christmas is over.  2014 is here!!!  It has been a busy few days.  Back in October my kids decided they were dead set on having a Minecraft Birthday party.  OMG did you all know there is not 1 single minecraft birthday supply made for the masses?  Someone has failed to cash in on that.  So, I have been sitting for a week now making party supplies.  First off, I had no clue what the difference between an enderman and a creeper was up until now.  Second, if you decide to do this just know that every other kid in the area seems to want the same thing so be prepared to search for Green and Black party supplies.  LOL.  Well, that party is coming up in Saturday.  My hand has never hurt from hand cutting cupcake toppers, signs, etc so much.  Forget bladder pain....sitting in a hard chair cutting paper can give a woman shoulder and wrist pain like no other.

Today was party 1 of 3 this weekend.  We went to one of the boys' friend's party.  It was mid week at Chuck-E-Cheese.  It wasn't bad at first.  I finally let go of helicopter parenting and let them run.  That was nerve wracking but I got over it quickly.  I did avoid soda and pizza!!!!  I'm proud of myself there, but the cake was chocolate.  The birthday boy happens to be one of the boys in my Cub Scout Den, and he brought me a piece of cake, so I couldn't say no.  I know I will pay for it later, but OMG it tasted so good.  I did only have 1 piece!!!!  Saturday is my boys' party at the house, and Sunday is a good friend's son's party.  So, yeah this is a busy party  But, hey they are only young once and it's worth the celebrating with them.  Tomorrow night we are volunteering to cook for and feed the homeless.

I did cave to coffee this week. This was the first time since being diagnosed that I have had it.  OMG No, I won't do it again.  I now know why I could never sleep, and I bloated up after drinking so much (I used to do 4 cups a day at least).  Just not what I want anymore.  I had 1 BLENDED cup at 3pm and did not get to sleep till after 2am.  I had to pee so much and the pain was harsh. I did flush it out quickly though (trust me that was quick compared to what the chocolate cake does) with tons of blueberry juice and water after.  It is a learning process, but hey you live and learn!!!!

Speaking of blueberry juice, I will stick with buying mine from Walmart (glass bottle near the apple juice) vs juicing my own.  First off blueberries are Flipping  Second it takes an entire carton to make 1 cup of juice.  I will stick with juicing my grapes (yes, I can do white grapes...yay).  I do love my juicer though!!! It was a great investment.

Well, I'm off to go play minecraft with my boys to learn a bit more about this crazy game.  Wish me luck...LOL

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