Friday, July 11, 2014

Oh boy I'm neglecting this

Wow, yeah it has been 6months.  FORGIVE ME!!!!

These past 6 months have been crazy busy for me.  I started seeing a Chiropractor for my IC and because of that and the diet changes I do not need Elmiron anymore.  Yes, I AM OFF OF IT!!!!!  I got to grow my hair back out.  I think it looks ok...LOL.

Over the past 6 months I have lost some weight while I have been at it.  I do know what triggers symptoms and what doesn't now.  I have been working out more, and enjoying the summer with my kiddos.  I rarely am in bed with pain now.  It is great to be able to be up and about doing everything while not letting anything hold me back.

One of the things that I have done recently that I am extremely excited to share about is that I have started participating in 5Ks.  A lot of women out there with IC will tell you it is impossible to workout/walk/run/jog.  I am here as living proof that you can.  I have done 4 races since January.  My family has even started joining in on them with me.  While I'm not the most fit person out there, I am a person who is willing to try.  Because I take care of myself and visit my chiropractor often I can do things like this without the pain that other women talk about.  I kept myself moving on days that I hurt until it became where I needed to rest.  I've been back to the gyn and everyone is excited at the progress.

I am now officially under 3months from graduation.  Dennis and I will participate in the graduation ceremony in San Diego, CA in Oct.  We are super excited.  I plan on being on my best behavior while I am there, but I also plan on getting an adjustment from Dr. A before heading out there too.  I want to be the best me I can be while I am there.

Well, I really should get off of here because it is our 11th wedding anniversary and I still have yet to cook dinner.  Remember KEEP MOVING, EAT HEALTHY, and VISIT A CHIROPRACTOR!!!!!

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