Friday, December 27, 2013

I've been a bad bad girl.

      I've always been hard on myself, and especially after the holidays I get onto myself a lot.  This year though I deff deserve it.  I was doing so well with eating right and drinking the right things.  I veered off when I was too proud to pay $4 for a bottle of water, or $3 for a cup of water, and I gave in to the $2 soda.  I started a downward spiral that has come to me landing in bed for the past 2 days in so much pain.  The odd thing was that when we were out at TGIFridays I ordered water.  It shows that I KNOW BETTER, but I just wanted to splurge. 

     It started when we were at Dollywood last week.  OMG It was so much fun to go out with my family to an amusement park for the holidays.  We had so much fun.  Even walking the strip in Gatlinburg was fun.  I was feeling fine Monday when we got back.  Christmas on Tuesday I cooked IC friendly, but I didn't drink IC Friendly.  Yesterday 5 days of drinking like crap caught up to me.  Well, Tuesday night/Wed morning.  I didn't sleep the past 2 nights because I was in so much pain and having to get up to use the ladies room so much.  I did it to myself though, so I am fully to blame.  Today I vowed to use the Christmas gift my MIL got me (a juicer) and start drinking more blueberry juice and homemade apple juice again.  I splurged and it got the best of me.  Other than that I only really veered off the diet when I had pizza, but it was so thin there was almost 0 sauce on it.  It felt good to eat it just once though (and that is really all I did eat it).  

     While I was lying around most of the day yesterday (I did get out to visit my sister who delivered my newest nephew yesterday) I was reading some books trying to catch up on some sleep I didn't get the night prior.  Only problem with that is I had the same issue during the day.  I had to pee.  So, I learned a valuable lesson......STICK TO THE DIET AND DONT DRINK SODA!!!!!

     Christmas was fun though.  Having the weekend with just my little family in Gatlinburg (Smokey Mountain Christmas baby) was nice.  We relaxed and enjoyed the time we had together. I cooked a big meal for 10 people on Christmas.  That kept me on my feet from 0830-10pm.  It was worth it though.  I enjoyed having both my parents and Dennis's parents along with my grandma and other family members stop by.  It made it really feel like a family holiday.  I also enjoyed not having to drive all over Clarksville.  Dennis did ask me if I want to take a break next year and let someone else do it, but I can see the driving and dividing time between everyone starting up again.  I really like having it where I don't have to drive and schedule so much.  It's nice and relaxing.  Everyone comes to us.  Sounds selfish, but driving 5 places isn't fun on Christmas.

     Well, I hope you all take a lesson from me and follow your diet.  The docs tell us this not to be mean, but for our own good.  Now, today starts day 1 all over again of being coke free.  I made it 5wks last time....I'm shooting for 8 this time.

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