Monday, December 9, 2013


      Forgive me for it being so long since I last wrote.  I've been super busy.  Between Physical Therapy, Scouts, Family, oh and um ICE it has been a crazy few weeks.

     I'm nearing the end of week 4 with NO SODA.  On (of all days) Friday the 13th I will have officially gone 4wks no soda, tea, coffee, or kool aid.  That is a big deal for me, so I'm happy.  I have moved past the needing it stage, and have learned other things I can drink.  I really am big on water, water, water, oh and blueberry juice. Apple is good here and there, but not in large quantities.  

     I have cheated, and I learned a few things I cannot have.  Chocolate cake being one of them.  Spicy foods are another.  I also had pizza last night (no sauce but I had pepperoni) and its either been the spicy pepperoni or the chocolate cake from my sister's baby shower, but I am in the midst of a flare up.  Has not stopped me from having a life though.

     Thanksgiving was good.  OH was it GOOD.  I made an IC friendly Thanksgiving and it was so simple.  You could not really tell the difference (minus the missing cranberry sauce).  Even the pumpkin pie was IC friendly and nobody could tell.  It was enjoyable!!!!

     I'm excited to share that if all goes as planned, and my grades stay steady (I've got a 3.95 GPA currently) I will be graduating in October!!!!  I can't believe I have essentially entered my senior year. Granted I'm taking 24 credits a semester vs the normal 12 of the other students, but I think I can handle it. If I don't then I will graduate in May 2014.  Yeah a bit of a difference, but hey think positive right!!!

     Now, I started this to tell you all that you CAN live with IC.  So, some proof that you  Hubby and I have had a few date nights including most of yesterday (yes in a flare up).  We went Christmas shopping in Nashville, went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, and even walked around Opryland Hotel seeing their beautiful lights.  As a family we have done so much.  We are almost always on the go.  They really do keep me going.  In fact I've got an interview on Wednesday for a job.  

     YES, I DO plan on going to work.  I DO NOT want to be one to sit down and do nothing.  I want to show that with hard work and determination you do not have to be stuck in the house doing nothing.  Yes, I do have flare ups.  In fact I feel like I'm taking 50 trips a day to the bathroom (and like 7 at night).  I am working on getting those down with bladder training.  I'm confident that I will be able to work and be alright!

    Well, I need to go and get ready to pick up kiddos.  I figured though I will leave you with a quick view of some of our Christmas photos.


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