Tuesday, August 5, 2014

No Rest For Me

     I have been in the middle of a flare up for a few days now.  I triggered it with pizza the other night.  As many of you with IC know, sleeping can be something that is hard to come by.  Today is one of my bad days, and I am not afraid to share it.  I am tired, bloated, and ready to cry.  Instead of doing that though, I am going to get ready for tonight's Open House at the kids' school.  We are setting up a table for the Cub Scouts there, so I am helping man it as a Den Leader.  I figured the best way to deal with a flare up is to stay busy.  If I keep my mind off of it, then it will not be so bad.

     Tonight we are supposed to have hot dogs for dinner.  I am going to give in and let them have them.  I think personally though I might make myself some gluten free pasta and pesto for dinner.  I do not want to even think about the pain to come if I were to have hot dogs.  I actually shiver at the thought.  All of this really makes me nervous to go to the football game this weekend.  D & I are going to the Titans vs. Packers game in Nashville.  I am a Titans fan and D is a Packer Backer.  It always makes for a fun adventure in our family when the teams play each other.  I just do not want to ruin the game by being in the bathroom the entire time.  I think Thursday I am going to do a flush on my system to get out the toxins.  I am going to go back for 2 days to "rabbit food".  Not sure how else to deal at the moment.

     Well, I should probably get back to work around the house getting stuff together.  Have a great day.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Couponing for IC

     So, couponing.  It is something that Dennis and I picked up to try to cut down on our grocery bill.  I have learned quickly that 1. it is not easy to do and 2. it is really hard on IC diet items.  My family and I have been eating gluten free pasta, cookies, and brownies for a while.  We have not made the full shift to gluten free bread yet as none of us find it appetizing since that one brand we got the first time is nowhere to be found.  The sad part is that gluten free items are costing us soooooo much.  We have been lucky to catch some sales on Mac-n-cheese or spaghetti, but these have been few and far between.  Last pay check I did manage to get the $7 box of cookie mix for $3 out of the damaged goods area.  Other than that it is hard.  We have been trying to eat at home more, so I have been trying to come up with more and more that my family will eat that I can partake in too.  Spaghetti has been a staple in our house since I can add Pesto to it while everyone else uses pasta sauce.  We are very much tired of it though.  We are also tired of rice and gluten free mac-n-cheese.  The kids are warming up to green beans, but we can not get them to eat carrots or anything else.  Corn is something I avoid because it has to have butter and pepper for me to eat it, and if you are on this site you know how bad pepper can leave you feeling. 

     I have found some fun recipes that I love to eat along the way.  One of them is not really stick IC following, but I have found that I can eat it.  What I do is saute up some bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms in a grape seed oil (I got rid of canola/vegetable all together).  Once those have crisped up I add in chicken breasts that I have cubed up.  The flavor from the veggies cooks right in.  I add that with a bowl of rice here and there and it is amazing.  You can also add it to a gluten free tortilla shell and have a fajita.  It is something all of my family loves.  We also are big on grilled chicken legs that have been marinated in IC friendly grape seed oil and seasonings, then boiled for 15-20min, and then grilled.  The main dish itself is not a hard thing for me to make, but it is the side dishes that we repeat over and over that are getting annoying.  SO, Dennis and and I have made this plan that we are going to try new dishes that we find off of the internet at least 1x a week to "spice" things up in the kitchen...LOL.  I have agreed to try non IC friendly foods also because the chiropractic adjustments are helping so much also.  I'm not going to go back to non ic friendly foods all the time, but on occasion to make my family happy. 

     I do not know how many of you out there are loosing your hair because you are on Elmiron, but I can tell you I know the feeling.  When I was on it it was falling out in handfulls.  I did get off because of the Chiropractic adjustments (I'm sure some of you think I'm full of myself and crazy saying that), and they do help a lot.  My urogyno was impressed.  For those that are still on it and feel like you just want to scream because your hair is falling out remember you are not alone.  There are a ton of us out here who have gone through that.  When you all get the chance take a look at different products that are out there.  Take biotin every day.  I still do.  I am also trying out the AVON Reconstruction 7 hair products.  So far so good!!!!  I went from my hair not growing in November-February to having shoulder length hair that I'm putting up in a cute headband now because it is too hot for summer.  My family has noticed it grow back in, and my husband has commented on the softness.  This was not all done on the Reconstruction 7, but since I came off the Elmiron.  I can say though that the product you use will help make your hair softer or harder.  I tried sooooo many different products before I found one that made my hair feel sooooo soft (the reconstruction 7).  I will tell you a secret though...I also like to use the argan oil as a defrizzer from POSH.  I know that I don't sell POSH, but I do love that product. 

      For those of you who are paler and you are on Elmiron experiencing the lovely side effect of the itchy skin or dry skin...USE SUNSCREEN!!!!  I've been off of the medication since February and I still have to use a ton of sunscreen.  I tried normal sunscreen while I was on the boat for our anniversary earlier this month and I burnt like nothing else.  I was in pain till last week it burnt so bad.  When the kids and I went to the waterpark for scouts recently I wore a different sunscreen (and so did my red head).  It was AWESOME.  We didn't burn at all.  We tried the (and you CAN NOT laugh at me for saying this) AVON sun+kids sunscreen.  It starts out this blue color that you rub on so you see where it is at, and then it absorbs in a normal color.  It was awesome.  Of course my red head loved being blue for like 5seconds until it absorbed in, but I loved it because his skin didn't burn at all....and he burns usually within 5min.  So, yeah I LOVE it.  Just wanted to share that with you all. 

     Well, I better run.  I have to get looking at my homework.  60 days till I am DONE with school (for now), and then I walk that following Sunday for my BACHELORS!!!!!  Dennis and I are excited we are in the same ceremony getting our Bachelors of Arts degrees.  Have a great day everyone!!!!

SEE YA!!!!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Oh boy I'm neglecting this

Wow, yeah it has been 6months.  FORGIVE ME!!!!

These past 6 months have been crazy busy for me.  I started seeing a Chiropractor for my IC and because of that and the diet changes I do not need Elmiron anymore.  Yes, I AM OFF OF IT!!!!!  I got to grow my hair back out.  I think it looks ok...LOL.

Over the past 6 months I have lost some weight while I have been at it.  I do know what triggers symptoms and what doesn't now.  I have been working out more, and enjoying the summer with my kiddos.  I rarely am in bed with pain now.  It is great to be able to be up and about doing everything while not letting anything hold me back.

One of the things that I have done recently that I am extremely excited to share about is that I have started participating in 5Ks.  A lot of women out there with IC will tell you it is impossible to workout/walk/run/jog.  I am here as living proof that you can.  I have done 4 races since January.  My family has even started joining in on them with me.  While I'm not the most fit person out there, I am a person who is willing to try.  Because I take care of myself and visit my chiropractor often I can do things like this without the pain that other women talk about.  I kept myself moving on days that I hurt until it became where I needed to rest.  I've been back to the gyn and everyone is excited at the progress.

I am now officially under 3months from graduation.  Dennis and I will participate in the graduation ceremony in San Diego, CA in Oct.  We are super excited.  I plan on being on my best behavior while I am there, but I also plan on getting an adjustment from Dr. A before heading out there too.  I want to be the best me I can be while I am there.

Well, I really should get off of here because it is our 11th wedding anniversary and I still have yet to cook dinner.  Remember KEEP MOVING, EAT HEALTHY, and VISIT A CHIROPRACTOR!!!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Surviving the Birthday Parties

LOL.  Well, Christmas is over.  2014 is here!!!  It has been a busy few days.  Back in October my kids decided they were dead set on having a Minecraft Birthday party.  OMG did you all know there is not 1 single minecraft birthday supply made for the masses?  Someone has failed to cash in on that.  So, I have been sitting for a week now making party supplies.  First off, I had no clue what the difference between an enderman and a creeper was up until now.  Second, if you decide to do this just know that every other kid in the area seems to want the same thing so be prepared to search for Green and Black party supplies.  LOL.  Well, that party is coming up in Saturday.  My hand has never hurt from hand cutting cupcake toppers, signs, etc so much.  Forget bladder pain....sitting in a hard chair cutting paper can give a woman shoulder and wrist pain like no other.

Today was party 1 of 3 this weekend.  We went to one of the boys' friend's party.  It was mid week at Chuck-E-Cheese.  It wasn't bad at first.  I finally let go of helicopter parenting and let them run.  That was nerve wracking but I got over it quickly.  I did avoid soda and pizza!!!!  I'm proud of myself there, but the cake was chocolate.  The birthday boy happens to be one of the boys in my Cub Scout Den, and he brought me a piece of cake, so I couldn't say no.  I know I will pay for it later, but OMG it tasted so good.  I did only have 1 piece!!!!  Saturday is my boys' party at the house, and Sunday is a good friend's son's party.  So, yeah this is a busy party weekend...lol.  But, hey they are only young once and it's worth the celebrating with them.  Tomorrow night we are volunteering to cook for and feed the homeless.

I did cave to coffee this week. This was the first time since being diagnosed that I have had it.  OMG No, I won't do it again.  I now know why I could never sleep, and I bloated up after drinking so much (I used to do 4 cups a day at least).  Just not what I want anymore.  I had 1 BLENDED cup at 3pm and did not get to sleep till after 2am.  I had to pee so much and the pain was harsh. I did flush it out quickly though (trust me that was quick compared to what the chocolate cake does) with tons of blueberry juice and water after.  It is a learning process, but hey you live and learn!!!!

Speaking of blueberry juice, I will stick with buying mine from Walmart (glass bottle near the apple juice) vs juicing my own.  First off blueberries are Flipping expensive...lol.  Second it takes an entire carton to make 1 cup of juice.  I will stick with juicing my grapes (yes, I can do white grapes...yay).  I do love my juicer though!!! It was a great investment.

Well, I'm off to go play minecraft with my boys to learn a bit more about this crazy game.  Wish me luck...LOL

Friday, December 27, 2013

I've been a bad bad girl.

      I've always been hard on myself, and especially after the holidays I get onto myself a lot.  This year though I deff deserve it.  I was doing so well with eating right and drinking the right things.  I veered off when I was too proud to pay $4 for a bottle of water, or $3 for a cup of water, and I gave in to the $2 soda.  I started a downward spiral that has come to me landing in bed for the past 2 days in so much pain.  The odd thing was that when we were out at TGIFridays I ordered water.  It shows that I KNOW BETTER, but I just wanted to splurge. 

     It started when we were at Dollywood last week.  OMG It was so much fun to go out with my family to an amusement park for the holidays.  We had so much fun.  Even walking the strip in Gatlinburg was fun.  I was feeling fine Monday when we got back.  Christmas on Tuesday I cooked IC friendly, but I didn't drink IC Friendly.  Yesterday 5 days of drinking like crap caught up to me.  Well, Tuesday night/Wed morning.  I didn't sleep the past 2 nights because I was in so much pain and having to get up to use the ladies room so much.  I did it to myself though, so I am fully to blame.  Today I vowed to use the Christmas gift my MIL got me (a juicer) and start drinking more blueberry juice and homemade apple juice again.  I splurged and it got the best of me.  Other than that I only really veered off the diet when I had pizza, but it was so thin there was almost 0 sauce on it.  It felt good to eat it just once though (and that is really all I did eat it).  

     While I was lying around most of the day yesterday (I did get out to visit my sister who delivered my newest nephew yesterday) I was reading some books trying to catch up on some sleep I didn't get the night prior.  Only problem with that is I had the same issue during the day.  I had to pee.  So, I learned a valuable lesson......STICK TO THE DIET AND DONT DRINK SODA!!!!!

     Christmas was fun though.  Having the weekend with just my little family in Gatlinburg (Smokey Mountain Christmas baby) was nice.  We relaxed and enjoyed the time we had together. I cooked a big meal for 10 people on Christmas.  That kept me on my feet from 0830-10pm.  It was worth it though.  I enjoyed having both my parents and Dennis's parents along with my grandma and other family members stop by.  It made it really feel like a family holiday.  I also enjoyed not having to drive all over Clarksville.  Dennis did ask me if I want to take a break next year and let someone else do it, but I can see the driving and dividing time between everyone starting up again.  I really like having it where I don't have to drive and schedule so much.  It's nice and relaxing.  Everyone comes to us.  Sounds selfish, but driving 5 places isn't fun on Christmas.

     Well, I hope you all take a lesson from me and follow your diet.  The docs tell us this not to be mean, but for our own good.  Now, today starts day 1 all over again of being coke free.  I made it 5wks last time....I'm shooting for 8 this time.

Monday, December 9, 2013


      Forgive me for it being so long since I last wrote.  I've been super busy.  Between Physical Therapy, Scouts, Family, oh and um ICE it has been a crazy few weeks.

     I'm nearing the end of week 4 with NO SODA.  On (of all days) Friday the 13th I will have officially gone 4wks no soda, tea, coffee, or kool aid.  That is a big deal for me, so I'm happy.  I have moved past the needing it stage, and have learned other things I can drink.  I really am big on water, water, water, oh and blueberry juice. Apple is good here and there, but not in large quantities.  

     I have cheated, and I learned a few things I cannot have.  Chocolate cake being one of them.  Spicy foods are another.  I also had pizza last night (no sauce but I had pepperoni) and its either been the spicy pepperoni or the chocolate cake from my sister's baby shower, but I am in the midst of a flare up.  Has not stopped me from having a life though.

     Thanksgiving was good.  OH was it GOOD.  I made an IC friendly Thanksgiving and it was so simple.  You could not really tell the difference (minus the missing cranberry sauce).  Even the pumpkin pie was IC friendly and nobody could tell.  It was enjoyable!!!!

     I'm excited to share that if all goes as planned, and my grades stay steady (I've got a 3.95 GPA currently) I will be graduating in October!!!!  I can't believe I have essentially entered my senior year. Granted I'm taking 24 credits a semester vs the normal 12 of the other students, but I think I can handle it. If I don't then I will graduate in May 2014.  Yeah a bit of a difference, but hey think positive right!!!

     Now, I started this to tell you all that you CAN live with IC.  So, some proof that you can....lol.  Hubby and I have had a few date nights including most of yesterday (yes in a flare up).  We went Christmas shopping in Nashville, went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, and even walked around Opryland Hotel seeing their beautiful lights.  As a family we have done so much.  We are almost always on the go.  They really do keep me going.  In fact I've got an interview on Wednesday for a job.  

     YES, I DO plan on going to work.  I DO NOT want to be one to sit down and do nothing.  I want to show that with hard work and determination you do not have to be stuck in the house doing nothing.  Yes, I do have flare ups.  In fact I feel like I'm taking 50 trips a day to the bathroom (and like 7 at night).  I am working on getting those down with bladder training.  I'm confident that I will be able to work and be alright!

    Well, I need to go and get ready to pick up kiddos.  I figured though I will leave you with a quick view of some of our Christmas photos.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

6 Days Heck Yeah!!!!

     Sorry for such a bleh heading but, its been 6 days w/o coffee/coke/tea/koolaid.  I have never made it that long at all!!!!  GO ME!!!!

    Yesterday I actually had a great day till just prior to bed time.  It was good to get up in front of a few of my girls and do a team meeting, I sat on unpadded seats and was ok getting a makeover, and I did not give into temptation for Taco Bell (stupid victory huh).  I think the bed time pain was just from doing so much during the day (I had a busy DAY not just night).  Overall amazing day though.

     Today was physical therapy.  I won't lie.  It was one of those days that I just did not want to get out of bed.  It was more just exhausted.  I did have a little bit of pain this morning, but nothing horrible.  After my 1.5hr drive to Physical therapy I felt much better.  I had pelvic floor stretching (that was odd) and heat therapy.  The heat therapy was great...omg I loved it.  I even was relaxed enough to go out to eat with the hubby and his co-workers.  It was nice.  I even stayed on diet, turned down free pie, and did not have anything but water to drink..go me.  The rest of the day was just relaxing and enjoying movies with hubs.  

     Speaking of time with hubby, Saturday is DATE NIGHT!!!!  I am so excited...Hunger Games (yes, Im a geek.)  He is spoiling me with the movie.  Then Sunday he gave in to doing family photos. HECK YEAH.  Last year we got Christmas pics taken, but we never saw them.  So, I'm excited.  :)  

     Well, I've bored you all long enough.  Have a great night everyone!!!